A Kazakh ex-oligarch and mysterious recordings
aprINFO OBS. Guillaume-Denis Faure has discovered that his professionnel SMSes have been published in the Ukrainian media. A very worrying affair.
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Il Messaggero: Shalabayeva, the passport was valid: she should not have been deported
marThe passports of Mukhtar Ablyazov and his wife, Alma Shalabayeva, were authentic. The acknowledgement has come directly from the Kazakh Embassy in France, which, over recent months, has sent numerous letters to the representatives of the Central African Republic asking them to «invalidate diplomatic
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Il Messaggero states: Shalabayeva’s passport was valid
marIl Messaggero, an Italian newspaper, one of the most popular in Rome and central Italy, has revisited the story of the case surrounding Alma Shalabayeva, the wife of dissident, Mukhtar Ablyazov
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El Pais: "My husband’s extradition to Kazakhstan will be a death sentence for him”
marThe Spanish newspaper El Pais has published an interview with Alma Shalabayeva, Mukhtar Ablyazov’s wife.
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Trust.ua: Corruption and partners
marAn article under this title was published today on the Free Tribune website TRUST.UA. Since the information contained in the piece constitutes investigative journalism, we decided to publish it along with our articles. We believe that the facts presented in the article must be verified by the compet
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Trust.ua: Corruption and partners
marAn article under this title was published today on the Free Tribune website TRUST.UA. Since the information contained in the piece constitutes investigative journalism, we decided to publish it along with our articles. We believe that the facts presented in the article must be verified by the compet
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Interview with Mukhtar Ablyazov’s Russian lawyer aired on A24 television
febA24 television station broadcast an interview with the Russian lawyer Mark Feygin – lawyer and barrister of the Kazakhstan dissident, Mukhtar Ablyazov.
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Fainotizia.it: Interpol. Want(r)ed
febInterpol, an organisation that coordinates state police forces in the fight against international crime, is bound by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
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Rzeczpospolita on Mukhtar Ablyazov
janThe Rzeczpospolita daily published an extensive article, on the Kazakhstan dissident, Mukhtar Ablyazov.
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La Stampa: Not all dissidents are equal
janFrom Khodorkhovsky to Gusinsky, men who were a nuisance to the former Soviet Union always found protection in the European countries, regardless of the accusations hurled at them. Why was case of Ablyazov different?
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Le Monde: A French tribunal allows the extradition of Mukhtar Ablyazov to Russia
janThis is a big surprise. A French tribunal has estimated, on 9 January, that Ukraine and Russia provided sufficient guarantees, in terms of State law, to extradite to these countries the Kazakh banker, Mukhtar Ablyazov, suspected of considerable financial offences.
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KyivPost: prosecutors in Kazakhstan: Ablyazov not to be extradited without the consent of France
jan“Kazakhstan law enforcement authorities continuing their cooperation with the French in order to directly extradite Mukhtar Ablyazov to Kazakhstan” – official statement of the Kazakhstan Prosecutor General, cited in an article published by KyivPost.