Urgent call by ACAT to the French authorities © mukhtarablyazov.org

Urgent call by ACAT (Catholic association against torture) to the French authorities not to extradite Mukhtar Ablyazov to Kazakhstan or any other country that could further transfer him or extradite him to Kazakhstan, where he risks torture and an unfair trial.

ACAT made a point, stating that Mukhtar Ablyazov is accused of embezzling money in Kazakhstan but whatever his fault could be, there are no doubts that he had already suffered from ill-treatment in a Kazakh prison and should not be sent back to such treatment.

They mention that Ukraine and Russia have agreements with Kazakhstan, which would let them extradite Mukhtar Ablyazov to Kazakhstan if he was first transferred to one of the two countries.

They also remind that Mukhtar Ablyazov has received asylum from UK in 2011 and this should be respected also by France.

Find the appeal
